Calabash PTO Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is the difference between PTA and PTO?

A: At the end of the 2015 school year, our parents voted to disband Calabash PTA in favor of our newly created Calabash PTO.

PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association, a national association with various “PTA units” at schools across the country.  School PTAs are bound by the national bylaws and must follow a rigid set of protocols, including the requirement that no board officer serve for more than 2 consecutive years.

PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization, a school specific organization unaffiliated with the national PTA.  More and more schools in our area are moving towards a PTO model. Similar to how most of the local schools are now affiliated charters, being a PTO allows the board & membership to craft bylaws that make sense for the individual school.  We have the flexibility to support our teachers and classrooms in ways we could not before.  Also, though board members must be elected annually, there is no term cap.  We maintain all the checks/balances offered under the PTA umbrella but without the provisions that don’t make sense for our school.

Q: What is PTO at Calabash? What does it do?

A: The PTO consists of an elected executive board and the membership (i.e. parents & teachers at Calabash).

The PTO plans and executes a variety of fundraisers throughout the year which support our various enrichment programs for the following school year. We also organize a number of fun, family events and charitable programs.

Q: How do I join and how much does membership cost?

A: There is no membership fee to join our PTO, and all parents are automatically considered members.

It is important to us that there are no barriers to involvement with our PTO, so we no longer require a membership form or fee to join the PTO. All parents are automatically considered voting members of our PTO, welcome to attend meetings and voice their thoughts on parent-related matters at Calabash. We welcome everyone to participate.

Q: When are PTO meetings held (2024-25)?

A: Our meetings are monthly on campus in the Calabash Parent Center, in all school months except December and June. They are held at 8:10AM on Mondays per the schedule below:

Sept 30              Oct 28                   Nov 18             Jan 27

Feb 24                  Mar 24          Apr 21           May 19

Q: What do you discuss at PTO meetings?

A: The meetings are a forum for our parents, teachers and principal to come together. 

We discuss recent PTO events, upcoming events and review PTO financials.  It’s also a forum for Ms. Gillis to make announcements.

Q: Where does the PTO money go?

A: The money raised each school year supports programs for the following year.  

  • Comprehensive art programs for all grades (theatre arts, music, fine art, ballroom dance, etc.)

  • Weekly physical education program for all grades

  • All supplies and equipment for our STEAM/Science Lab

  • Community engagement activities

  • Field trips for each grade (TK/K/1st enjoy mobile field trips (Mad Science, Wildlife Learning Center, etc)

  • Campus beautification projects

  • Supplies & books for our Library

  • Author visits

  • Supplies/plants for campus garden

  • Staff professional development

  • Campus & classroom improvements

  • 5th grade & Kinder culmination celebration

  • Classroom and teacher support ($500 class fund per teacher, per year)

Q: Who decides how it’s spent?

A: The PTO membership votes on the preliminary budget for the following school year at the May meeting, to allow for any necessary spending during the summer. 

The final budget is discussed and approved in September.  All Calabash parents are PTO members and eligible to vote on our budget approval.

Q: Are my donations to the PTO tax- deductible?

A: Absolutely!

Friends of Calabash, Inc. DBA Calabash PTO is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Our Federal Tax ID is 47-1100562.  

Q: What can I do to support the PTO?

A: Donations are vital to our primary goal, which is funding our Calabash’s enrichment programs. 

Beyond making donations to the PTO, we can always use volunteers to help plan and run our various events throughout the year.

Q: I want to volunteer but don’t have a lot of time.  What can I do?

A: We encourage you to sign up as a general PTO volunteer!

We can email you as events approach and when you’re available and interested in helping out, you just let us know.  If you’re looking for ways to help during off-hours, there are also plenty of opportunities.

Q: Who do I contact if I want to get involved?

A: Email our PTO President Kate Eisenberg at